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prayer ministry

providing believers with encouragement and training focused on Christ-like intimacy with the Father and intercession for others.

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meet our prayer ministry specialist

Keeney Dickenson

Keeney is in his fourth decade of pastoral experience. He has served churches in New Mexico, Missouri and Texas. He has served as senior pastor of First Baptist Church Crockett since 2003. He received his doctor of ministry degree in biblical spirituality from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2017. Keeney is the founder and director of Prayeridigm Publishing and the author of seven books. He is married to his best friend and prayer partner, D’Ann.

prayer-coaching opportunities

Spontaneous Prayer Coaching and Consultation

Pastors and church leaders are urged to contact us for assistance in the development of prayer strategies and for assistance in prayerfully walking through church situations. Feel free to call upon us concerning any way in which we can assist you in the area of prayer ministry.

Personal Prayer Coaching

This six-week prayer coaching is designed to assist believers in developing a consistent and meaningful walk with God. It involves weekly Bible reading assignments, handouts and group interaction.

Pastoral Intercession Coaching

It is crucial for the pastor of a local church to intercede strategically for those he has been called to lead. Coaching will consist of a six-week focus on biblical and historical examples of men who effectively achieved this

goal. The six weeks will include weekly reading assignments, prayer focuses, group interaction and intercession.

church training opportunities

Interceding for Lost Family and Friends

This is an opportunity to explore the nature and necessity of bearing an evangelistic prayer burden. Participants will be given practical instruction on building consistency and compassion into this process.

Keys to Christlike Praying

This seminar explores Christ’s walk with the Father as recorded in Luke’s Gospel. Topics include prayerlessness versus prayerfulness, the places where Jesus prayed, the model life and model prayer, and interceding like Jesus.

Becoming an Extraordinary House of Prayer

This seminar considers 25 key characteristics of extraordinary corporate prayer outlined in the Acts of the Apostles.

Praying When It Hurts

This seminar brings participants through 12 places in their lives where pain and prayer intersect. Topics include devastation, impossibility, depression, forgiveness, submission, brokenness, frustration, desperation, detours and opposition.

associational training opportunities

Blow the Trumpet in Zion: Guidelines for Leading a Solemn Assembly in the Local Church

The solemn assembly has been greatly used of God in Scripture and throughout history. It is an intense season of seeking the face of God and practicing corporate repentance. This practical biblical training is based on the manual Blow the Trumpet in Zion.

Developing a Culture of Prayer in the Local Church

This training focuses on how the pastor can guide his congregation in permeating the fabric of the local church with prayer.

House of Prayer Upgrade

Topics include The Fallout of Corporate Prayerlessness; The Spheres of Prayer in Acts; The PrayingPastor; The Weakly Prayer Meeting; From Murmuring to Ministering; Prayer-Based Evangelism and Missions. Also, a variety of corporate prayer exercises are modeled for participants.

Pastor Prayer Summit

A two-day experience of facilitating and modeling corporate prayer experiences. Each prayer session will be followed by practical instruction as well as question and answer regarding the exercises of prayer.

The Pastor: Building an Army of Intercession

This event focuses on enlisting prayer partners for the pastor. It is based on The Army of Intercession: Thirty-One Biblical Prayer Focuses for the Pastor, His Wife, and the Local Church. This is accompanied by a PDF template of 31 prayer lists. Each person in the church’s army of intercessors prays through a different list so that together the group is praying through all 31 lists daily.

The Revitalized Pulpit

Practical application is provided from the example of the prayer-powered pulpit of Charles Spurgeon. The aim of this training is to encourage preachers to saturate every aspect of sermon preparation and delivery with prayer.

The Revitalized Pastor

This focuses on renewal of biblical spirituality and ministry. A strong emphasis is placed on spiritual revitalization of the pastor’s personal walk with God, his family leadership and his pastoral ministry.

national day of prayer

The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. Our Task Force is a privately funded organization whose purpose is to encourage participation on the National Day of Prayer. It exists to communicate with every individual the need for personal repentance and prayer, to create appropriate materials, and to mobilize the Christian community to intercede for America’s leaders and its families. The Task Force represents a Judeo-Christian expression of the national observance, based on our understanding that this country was birthed in prayer and in reverence for the God of the Bible.


international mission board

The IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are evangelizing, discipling, planting, and multiplying healthy churches, and training leaders among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.

Visit their website to find out ways you can pray for missionaries.


north american mission board

The Church is God’s plan—you are God’s plan—to reach North America and the nations with the hope of the gospel, and the North American Mission Board is here to help.

Your prayers make a difference. Visit their website to find out ways to pray for their church planting missionaries.