Blow the Trumpet in Zion: Guidelines for Leading a Solemn Assembly in the Local Church
The solemn assembly has been greatly used of God in Scripture and throughout history. It is an intense season of seeking the face of God and practicing corporate repentance. This practical biblical training is based on the manual Blow the Trumpet in Zion.
Developing a Culture of Prayer in the Local Church
This training focuses on how the pastor can guide his congregation in permeating the fabric of the local church with prayer.
House of Prayer Upgrade
Topics include The Fallout of Corporate Prayerlessness; The Spheres of Prayer in Acts; The PrayingPastor; The Weakly Prayer Meeting; From Murmuring to Ministering; Prayer-Based Evangelism and Missions. Also, a variety of corporate prayer exercises are modeled for participants.
Pastor Prayer Summit
A two-day experience of facilitating and modeling corporate prayer experiences. Each prayer session will be followed by practical instruction as well as question and answer regarding the exercises of prayer.
The Pastor: Building an Army of Intercession
This event focuses on enlisting prayer partners for the pastor. It is based on The Army of Intercession: Thirty-One Biblical Prayer Focuses for the Pastor, His Wife, and the Local Church. This is accompanied by a PDF template of 31 prayer lists. Each person in the church’s army of intercessors prays through a different list so that together the group is praying through all 31 lists daily.
The Revitalized Pulpit
Practical application is provided from the example of the prayer-powered pulpit of Charles Spurgeon. The aim of this training is to encourage preachers to saturate every aspect of sermon preparation and delivery with prayer.
The Revitalized Pastor
This focuses on renewal of biblical spirituality and ministry. A strong emphasis is placed on spiritual revitalization of the pastor’s personal walk with God, his family leadership and his pastoral ministry.